
Thursday, September 19, 2013


Thank God that the weekend is almost here. Not that I have any grand plans, but just the thought of relaxing a bit is extra appealing right now.

I want to keep with the theme of "living in the moment" similar to yesterdays post here and just touch a bit on being peaceful in that moment. Over the past few days I've found myself thinking about how I want the next phase of my life to look (40+) if God grants me life and breath for that long. As I think about what I want, there's one word that constantly pops up and that's peace. I want peace of mind, peace in my home, peace in my relationships, peace in my parenting skills, peace in my business risks, peace in myself. So in an effort to gain complete peace in my life I need to spend more time living in the moment, reading my bible, and leaning on my faith and the word of God amongst many other things. But also, doing things that I love and that have always put me in a peaceful space which are  designing jewelry, practicing yoga, and reading daily affirmation books.

Anyhoo, I've already began designing jewelry again on a regular basis and will be launching my fall BSJ line at the end of this month which I'm super excited about! And I've gotten back into reading my affirmation books which I'll share with you below. Also, I'll be starting my yoga on Monday via Wii Fit which my son has so graciously offered to hook up for me.

Well, I hope I haven't bored you all to death with my "peace" talk...Lol! I always think that maybe someone else out there may be going through life-introspective stuff like me. If so, please share...I'd love to know that I'm not the only one ;).


Synopsis: Explore Your Faith provides concise, biblical answers to 75 common questions about the Christian Faith. 


Synopsis: The Love Dare is a 40-day challenge for husbands and wives to understand and practice unconditional love. Whether your marriage is hanging by a thread or healthy and strong, The Love Dare is a journey you need to take. It's time to learn the keys to finding true intimacy and developing a dynamic marriage. Take the dare! 


xoxo, M. 


  1. Peace is so very important.... it provides for a good night's sleep. I appreciate my peace.

    I want to make jewelry for my kiddo because she is obsessed with my beaded bracelets!

    1. Hey LaToya, Yes, peace is vital. I don't want on and off peace...I'm striving for continual peace in my life. Thanks for commenting. You should definitely head to Michaels crafts and pick up an American Girl beading kit for her. Sometimes my son helps me make stuff. It's a great bonding moment :)


I really appreciate you taking the time to comment. Thank you!